Celebrating Paul Westphal’s Book, ‘A Tale of Two Seasons’

Supporting Families and Students Through Affordable Education

Arizona Christian University Freezes Tuition for 2025-26,
Reaffirms Commitment to Conservative,
Biblical Worldview and Caring Community

Barna, CRC Research Reveals Most Christians Reject the Trinity

Till Chosen As Liston Award Winner


A Message from President Len Munsil

Defying Gravity: ACU tops 1,400 students with 9th-straight year of record enrollment

Now Accepting Applications

MA – Education

MSMFT – Marriage and Family Therapy

MA – Christian Leadership



Arizona Christian University is an award-winning, culturally and theologically conservative university where students and their professors are serious about deepening their Christian faith and where relationships and community matter most. If you seek a university that is courageously Christian, then Arizona Christian University is the place for you.

Best Regional Colleges

In The West

Seven Years In A Row

US News & World Report, 2017-2023

#1 University

In Arizona

College Consensus, 2018 and 2019

Top 50

Bible Schools

Christian Universities Online, 2017


CRC: Widespread Rejection of Trinity in US Church

CRC: Americans Move God to the Margins

Get George Barna’s Book: Raising Spiritual Champions

ACU Spotlight

During my biology courses, I came to really realize how much I love the medical field, and I love the fact that ACU has an approach because we are a Christian University that deals with the spirit, that deals with the soul, as well as a biology program that focuses on the physical.

Aleksandra M.

B.S. Biology

The flexibility of being able to do schoolwork on my own time has made it possible for me to go back to school 20 years later.

Aaron B.


In anything I do, I want to be able to steward what God has given me well. That’s been the foundation of where I want to go in business the next few years.

Ashlynn P.

B.S. Business

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You won’t be lost in a crowd at Arizona Christian University. Students develop long-lasting relationships through community building experiences such as small group Bible studies, academic study groups, on-campus worship, athletic events and more.